In today’s reading, we have Saul (soon to be referred to as “Paul: and Barnabas being sent out on their first missionary journey to the Gentiles.  This missionary trip shows us the clear leading of the Holy Spirit.  One of the things the Church is called to do is take the Gospel outside of the church we attend to those who have not yet heart it.

The small groups of Christians found at the beginning of today’s reading, focused on God through fasting and worship so that they could faithfully follow Jesus and reach out in love to those who do not yet know him. There is something for the church. Every person has a passion. Every person has a place to serve the church and share the message of Jesus Christ through our words, actions, and deeds. Every person is called to use their gifts and talents God has blessed them to encourage, to bless, and to serve others.

Some are set apart as clergy. Some are set apart as teachers. Some are set apart as administrators. Some are set apart as musicians. Some are set apart as so many other things. All of us have a purpose in life. For Paul and Barnabas, it was to serve as missionaries to the Gentiles.  What has God called you to do? What are your passions? Where might you serve the church?  Ephesians 4:11

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