Knowing Jesus is simpler than you think.
I’m not saying it’s all easy, but it is simple. To know Jesus and experience His glory and healing there is one simple and essential ingredient that most religious people miss: “every day.”
This year our theme will remind us that living for God is an everyday experience and not a once a week service. Every time you see our new theme we want you to remember three simple truths.
1. Jesus should be the center of every day.
Jesus is the “chief cornerstone” of every day, not just every church service. Jesus said it in Luke 9:23, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Every day you can make Jesus the center of your life by: worshiping faithfully, loving Biblically, serving joyfully and leading wisely.
2. You should be connected to your church family every day.
Everyday life is the picture of the relationships in the early church. We may not be at the church building every day but every day we should be encouraging and praying with each other in some way. In Acts 2:42-46, the believers are seen together in an everyday way and new believers are added “daily” to the church.
3. You should be filled with the Holy Spirit every day.
Jesus won’t be the center of your day or life without the power and love of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 tells us to be “continually filled with the Holy Spirit.” It is the Holy Spirit that gives us the power to live for Jesus everyday as His witness. The Holy Spirit also gives us the power to defeat the power of the world, Satan and sin.
To support this daily walk with Jesus & His church body, we will be launching our first ever “Everyday Cornerstone” smartphone app. It will provide you with daily: Jesus focus, church connection, and Holy Spirit encouragement. It can’t replace daily relationship with specific church friends, but it can help us continue to walk together in Jesus-centered unity and encouragement. We will also kick off our Fall sermon series called “Every day . . . in the Holy Spirit” on September 22. This will be an eight week series that will help each of us understand and experience “God’s power to defy the gravity of sin.”
There is so much to come! Let’s continue to grow together in Christ every day! As school begins, let’s begin a new and fresh commitment to be taught by Jesus through His Holy Spirit. Together, may God receive glory and honor from us!
Pastor Shawn