“The great, buried gift in a Rule of Life is its goal of regulating our entire lives in such a way that we truly prefer the love of Christ above all things. God has made each of us unique and different. Our goal is the same: union with God in Christ, transformation into his image, and the freeing of our hearts from anything that stands in the way of Christ living in and through us.” (page198)
Looking at the Rule of Life, the purpose is to keep Jesus the center of our day and in everything that we do. Anything that comes before Him or stands in the way of us being who He wants us to be, is not God’s best for us. God’s desire is for us to make Him first priority, whether it’s through prayer, daily office, or studying scripture. It is important that we set aside the time needed to love on God, grow spiritually, and be who He has called you to be. Proverbs 3:6, “In everything that you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”
Pastor Anedra