Deuteronomy 9 opens with Moses assuring God’s people that they will win over their enemies (vs. 1-3). Moses also cautions them not to attribute their successes to their own merit, but to God’s justice, which was engaged against their enemies, and his faithfulness, which was engaged to their fathers. This chapter reminds us of two things:

  1. WE WILL WIN. Often times in life we get discourage and feel like life will get the best of us. Moses wanted to let God’s people know the end result and they could face every day with confidence. We need to be reminded that as God’s people win in the end. Although life may throw you though blows, don’t forget that Jesus promises our victory. This may require faith because there will be times where victory is nowhere in sight, but it’s in these times we hold on to God’s promises. In 1996 the Chicago Bulls went 72-10, which is the best record in NBA history. Many marvel at the Bulls record that year. One day a reporter ask Michael Jordan “what was the most important thing that led to your success that year” and Jordan responded “we knew we were going to win every game no matter how many points we were down. It was our belief that gave us success”. I pray we all live with confidence in God, knowing that we will win.
  2. IT’S FOR GOD’S GLORY. We have to be reminded that our victories that God gives us in life are for His glory. The people of God began to equate their success with their gifts instead of God and His glory. So the next time God blesses you, be sure to praise God and give Him the glory.

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