Blessings Or More?
In Deuteronomy 8 we see the GPS working during the forty year trek. It wasn’t the “global positioning system” but instead the “God Positioning System”. Since God was leading the way you’d think that the journey would’ve been direct, but there are usually lessons to learn along the way. Although I’m sure like children everywhere, they frequently wailed; “Are we there yet???”
But God allows needs and desires to go temporarily unfulfilled, because a good parent knows what their children truly need; which isn’t always what makes them happy. A loving parent wants more than happiness and blessings for their children. In truth, it is in the seasons BEFORE the blessings come that we grow the most.
In fact, God warns Israel that when the blessings begin flowing freely to not relax their guard! In those moments we need to stir up our thankfulness by remembering all He’s done-and then LOOKING PAST the blessings to begin treasuring Him.
But is that what we do?
Or instead does our “love” come with conditional price tags so that our relationship with God becomes like a “Sugar Daddy” whose main purpose is to bless us?
Has our gaze shifted from His heart that loves to His hand that provides? That was God’s concern here.
Absolutely enjoy His rich gifts…but we need to take great care that no blessing or gift replaces or qualifies our relationship with the Giver of all good things. His blessings should be precious reminders of what matters most-Him!
Pastor Sandy