“Don’t steal land from your neighbor by moving the boundary marker your ancestors put in place. Each person’s property is an inheritance from the Eternal, who’s giving you this land to live in.”19:14

God gave these instructions to Moses before the Israelites entered into the promised land because He knew the nature of man. He knew it wouldn’t take long for them to forget His rules and start living by their own standards instead of His. God knew the people needed reminders like this one to keep them on the narrow path different from the one the world followed. While everyone else looked after “number one,” God wanted His people to look after each other and honor each other’s property.

God wanted His people to understand the land really didn’t belong to them anyway. They were only stewards of God’s land. It all belongs to Him. He just lets us borrow it and take care of it for Him while we’re here. It’s the mission He gave Adam and Eve at creation. “Take care of it, for me.” Until we understand our position as stewards, not owners, we continue to covet, desire, long for, things not ours. Once we learn that lesson, we begin to really enjoy the things He entrusts to us.

Pastor Rowena

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