God is Our Provider

Deuteronomy 18 reminds us that our God is the source of all provision! Vs. 1-8 teach on the role of Israel to provide for the Levites and Priests. Vs. 9-13 contains prohibitions against the practice of witchcraft and other forms of consulting with evil spirits. Vs. 14-22 show how the Word of the Lord would be revealed amongst the people of God. What can we learn about God’s provision for us?

(vs. 1-8) Share material blessings with God’s people- Be generous in giving to those in need, and find joy in blessing those who live in the body of Christ. Jesus’s words ring true when He said it is ‘more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35).

(vs. 9-13) Trust God’s Will in things you do not know- God never promises to answer all of our questions, but he does promise to share with us supernatural insight (Jeremiah 33:3).

(vs. 14-22) Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct our steps so that we no longer have to depend on a prophet (or pastor) for God to speak to us. ‘For the Word of God is living and active!’ (Hebrews 4:12

You were blessed to be a blessing! Is there something in your life keeping you from trusting in God as your provider? No relationship conflict is bigger than God’s reconciliation. Your job is not your financial source- Jesus is. Compromise has no chance against God’s conviction giving you victory over life-controlling issues. Are you ready to trust in the God of all provision?

Jason Marshall

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