“If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow – to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him and to hold fast to Him…” ~ Deuteronomy 11:22

TRUTH: Obedience to God brings blessing in your life

Why is it we tend to think obedience means captivity or denial? Clearly Deuteronomy 11 illustrates how keeping God’s commands brings blessing in our lives. Just a quick look through chapter 11 finds 3 references to keeping God’s commands/laws followed by a blessing:

  • Observe all the commands…SO THAT you may have strength and live long… (v.8-9)
  • Faithfully obey the commands…THEN I will send rain… (v. 13-14)
  • Carefully observe….THEN the Lord will drive out… (v. 22)

Obedience is more than just believing in God. It’s fully placing yourself in God’s hands and doing the right things. We cannot walk in disobedience and expect God to bless our sin.

So what is the key to obedience? “Hold fast to Him” (v. 22) Walking in obedience requires time in the Word, time with God and time with other believers. Don’t underestimate the power of fellowshipping with God and other believers DAILY! This strengthens and encourages you to continue doing the right things while waiting for God’s response to your prayers or to see Him move in an area of your life.

Go spend time with Him now – seek His face – listen for His answers – stay close to Him and He WILL abide with you.

Kelly McGaha

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