David and Sherri Godbout are U.S. Missionaries with the Assemblies of God in the urban neighborhoods of St. Louis, Missouri. David and Sherri Godbout resigned as full-time Pastors to pursue their call to missions. They have a very simple directive, to make disciples. Their focus is to disciple people in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in turn, those people will disciple, resulting in disciple multiplication. By not only making disciples, but also living it out practically, David and Sherri have seen lives changed and the Gospel going into challenging areas of St. Louis. As a result of their heart and dedication for St. Louis, they have witnessed families come together and grow in their spiritual walk with Christ.
A lot of times, we believe that in order to be a missionary you need to go to other countries to preach the Gospel. God can use us anywhere; He just wants to know if you will go wherever He sends you. For some, it may be going to other countries, but for others, it may be your local area. Wherever He sends you, will you go? Will your answer be, send me! Will you sacrifice your own agenda and plans to see the Gospel going to the places that need it? Isaiah 6:8
Wendell Butler