Sara Franco | 

  “Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men….full of wisdom” – Acts 6:3 |

Why it Matters-

Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who speaks a different language?  You may start speaking louder, pointing at objects around you to help get the message across, and eventually maybe even give up out of frustration.  It can feel like that in communicating with anyone around us who views life differently than we do.  God calls us to a higher standard of loving and communicating by using wisdom in our words.

Our Church-

So, how does this translate to our church family when we have so much diversity in ages, cultures, languages, and opinions?  It means that we take the time to get to know one another and hear stories of what God has done in another’s life. God has given such power to our words!  After all, He simply SPOKE this world into existence and Proverbs 18:21 says the tongue has the power of life and death!  We have great power in how we communicate with one another, so let’s remember, first and foremost, to communicate HIS love as the world watches us.

Your Family-

All of this begins in our homes with those closest to us…our family.  These actions are more caught on our children than taught, so may we use our words to build up one another in our families and speak life to each one. Talk to your children and spouse and listen to their joys and sorrows.  Speak prayers over each of them and communicate the truth of God’s Word to keep that the center of your family’s life.  May God continue to grow each of us beyond our own ability and allow His Spirit to speak through us to those we love most.