Exodus 13 Devotion Here in this passage there are two rituals that are prescribed to assist in remembering the Exodus miracle: the week long Feast of Unleavened Bread and the consecration of all Israel’s firstborn to God. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is eating bread made without yeast for a week every year to remember … Read More
Pastor’s Blog
Exodus 12 Devotion
I love that in Exodus 12 God shares His plan of freedom for His people while they were still held captive in Egypt. In the very midst of their bondage, God was preparing their exodus from slavery! Imagine for a moment that as they were abusively treated that their freedom was just ahead. We read … Read More
Exodus 11 Devotion
Exodus 11:1, “And the LORD said to Moses, “I will bring one more plague(the tenth plague) on Pharaoh and on Egypt. Afterward he will let you go from here. Four things we can learn about the judgment of God. 1. NO ONE IS GOOD ENOUGH TO ESCAPE GOD’S JUDGEMENT. This tenth plague had no automatic … Read More
Exodus 10 Devotion
Overcoming the Condition of a Spiritually Hard Heart No one chooses to have a spiritually hard heart…but anyone is susceptible to becoming hard when they do not depend on Jesus. The plagues of locusts and the plague of darkness would not move Pharoah to listen to the Lord. A hard heart comes in many forms. … Read More
Exodus 9 Devotion
“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you My power and that My Name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Exodus 9:16 Not many would not compare themselves with Pharaoh. He’s not exactly a role model. Because he continued to harden his heart towards God refusing to release … Read More
Exodus 8 Devotion
God sent the plague of frogs, gnats, and flies yet, each time a plague struck Egypt, the Pharaoh would promise to let the Israelites go if God would remove the plague. Although God would remove the plague, Pharaoh’s heart would still become hardened and he would not release the Israelites. When we are disconnected from … Read More
He is in Control of Everything… Even the Nile
Exodus 7 It has been said that San Diego, is essentially a desert with an ocean next to it. Take away the ocean and San Diego would have about as much to offer as any other desert town. There would be no ocean breeze to make the climate ideal throughout the year – temperatures would … Read More
Exodus 6 Devotion
In Exodus 6 God tells Moses what He’s already done and what He will do to set Israel free. He also shares what that freedom will ultimately bring; relationship. A relational freedom was available for the ancient Hebrews and through Christ it remains and is enhanced for believers today. What was holding them (and us) … Read More
Exodus 5 Devotion
“Let my people go,” was the plea of Moses before Pharaoh. But not only did the hardened leader reject Moses’ request, he accused the Hebrews of being lazy and of giving religious motives in an attempt to evade their responsibilities. When Moses persisted, the Pharaoh countered with an order to increase the work load on … Read More
What is That In Your Hand?
At one time or another, we’ve all felt like Moses. We felt like a nobody, we felt unqualified, or we felt like giving up. But when God calls you, He will put exactly what you need in your hands. Do you have faith in the mission God has for you? Consider the following three thoughts: … Read More