Exodus 16 Devotion
The bread (manna) of heaven is a supernatural representation of God’s provision of faith for those who trust the Lord. This provision of faith comes in the form of having gratitude in the midst of hopeless surroundings, trust in the generosity of God’s provision, and blessing when God’s instructions are followed.
1. (vs.2-3, 8-9). Grumbling denies the Hope we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Gratitude invites the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with thankfulness.
2. (vs 10-20). Hoarding implies a clear sign of unbelief in God’s provision. In other words, we cut off our ability to depend on God when we depend on our own abilities and resources rather than God’s provision. Note 2 Corinthians 8:13-15: Those who gathered little and those who gathered much would have enough to have their needs met. Be generous with what you have.
3. (vs 21-30). Selfishness inhibits our ability to know God’s direction in every circumstance. The Sabbath was set aside as a holy day for God’s people to rest, focus on the Lord, and live a selfless life. Some Israelites longed for provision beyond God’s designated above. Learn to rest and trust Jesus through Sabbath.
Share gratitude without interruption. Trust in the Lord by being generous (time, money, talents, material possessions) with all that God has given you. Let your Sabbath rest become an opportunity to bless the Lord and be a blessing to others. Then, you will be set free to live freely in the bread of life found through following Jesus.
Pastor Jason Marshall