Pastor Shawn shared about Simon, the sorcerer, who came to believe in Jesus, but didn’t receive the Spirit’s filling. He struggled with embracing kingdom conflicts that would change his life in four critical ways:
Position Simon held a prominent position that commanded fearful respect that he was reluctant to lose.
Power He wielded significant power and all who were need of an authority greater than themselves were relegated to his “jurisdiction”.
Profit He routinely used his position and power to financially profit himself.
Pain He was filled with bitter pain that colored and drove everything he did.
Receiving the Spirit’s baptism would’ve transformed these kingdom conflicts and the same is true for us today.
Compare the changes that an overflowing of the Spirit brings to us:
Position The Spirit calls those who want a kingdom position to become servants of all.
Power The Spirit certainly brings a power beyond our capability, but it is to be used to empower the defenseless.
Profit The Spirit enriches us so that we can bless the poor and vulnerable among us.
Pain The Spirit does not take away all our pain, instead He recycles or redeems it so that those very places where brokenness once reigned supreme God’s hope and life can release healing for others.
Simon’s is a sad story. He was too invested in his former life to give up control. We shake our heads in disbelief, but these very kingdom conflicts lie at our doorstep as well. We too must choose where we’ll “draw the line” at the Spirit’s access to our lives. Simon was all for Jesus when it benefited him, but when sacrifices loomed, he balked. What about us, do we compartmentalize our faith as well? I mean Jesus is welcome when we’re at church or when we need a “favor”, but when He mentions sacrifices needed to walk His narrow path often we cry foul.
Let’s be honest, we want the Spirit’s filling, while still maintaining some semblance of control, because giving unhindered access and unbridled control can be scary. Now He won’t push His way in, but He’s not looking for partial access either. So Simon’s choice is ours as well. May we choose well; relinquishing position, power, profit and pain to the Spirit’s discretion. And if we do, here are three more areas that can also be transformed:
Perceptions In the Spirit’s overflowing, our perceptions get altered and we begin to see the world through God’s eyes.
Passions When our perceptions are altered it enacts changes to our life’s passions. We exchange our “me-mentality” that seeks its own betterment for a heart that passionately loves the world sacrificially.
Purpose Changed perceptions and passions can’t help but transform the foundational purposes for which we live out our days.
Today, may we grant the Spirit unimpeded entry to every facet of our lives, thereby exchanging our “self-regarding” lifestyle for one that’s patterned after our Father’s loving heart. Come, Holy Spirit Come!
Sandy Anderson
Community Director
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