The Holy Spirit supernaturally protects Paul, provides for Paul’s needs both physically and relationally, and empowers Paul among those in which he shares life. As a prisoner for the Lord, Paul leads others wisely.
1. Scripture’s reference to a viper (vs 3) indicates that a poisonous snake bit Paul. There is evidence from scripture that Paul’s eyesight was poor, but God protects Paul in spite of his weakness. God uses Paul’s weakness to illustrate his miraculous protection.
2. Paul receives God’s supernatural provision for his natural physical and relational needs. Four times in this passage (vs. 2, 7, 10, 14-15), God uses natural means to provide supernaturally. In vs. 7, the Holy Spirit moves on Publius to give Paul and his companions a place to stay for three days. Verse 10 relates that the ship was furnished with supplies. The ‘brothers’ refer to other believers in vs. 14-15. Paul’s physical and relational needs were met.
3. The Holy Spirit empowers Paul to do miraculous works on the island of Malta. Many people come to Paul seeking physical healing after God uses Paul to heal Publius’s father. Paul was empowered by the Holy Spirit to do acts of physical healing through prayer (vs. 8).
Don’t seek the hand of God…seek God. Be like Paul…honor the Lord with your everyday choices, and the Holy Spirit will work supernaturally in your life. Seek the Lord today for supernatural protection, provision, and empowerment. This will help you lead others wisely to Christ.