It is concerning the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today.
(Acts 24:21)
Jesus is alive today. That fact should create problems and peace for you. It did for Paul.
In chapter 24 Paul is on trial in front of King Felix, the Pharisees that hate him, and a watching Roman world. In the above verse, Paul says the reason he is there is because he believes that Jesus is alive. In other words, the resurrection had created a great problem for Paul. Because the Risen Jesus had revealed Himself to Paul, Paul couldn’t live in the old sin and pride that he used to. And because the Risen Christ had filled Paul with the Holy Spirit, Paul couldn’t ignore the call to help others come to know Jesus, even if he is persecuted for it. The fact that Jesus was alive created problems for Paul that he never had before.
But the truth that Jesus was alive also created a peace that Paul had never known before. In verse 15-16 Paul talked about it:
I have the same hope in God as these men, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.
Because Jesus was alive (and with Paul), Paul lived with a clear conscience before God and man. Paul didn’t live in darkness or let bitterness grow in his life. The living Christ knew all things and dealt with Paul each day about living right and trusting in grace. As a result, Paul had a peace that no one else at that trial had. And although, Paul faced problems because of Christ, Paul had a GREATER peace because of Christ.
Today, Jesus is alive and that should create problems and peace in your life. The problems should be about confronting sins and the disbelief of others. The greater peace should be a clear conscience with God and man because each day you and Jesus deal with the sin, hurt or fear in your heart.
Jesus is alive today!