Your Healing will Witness-
In this passage Jesus gives us a promise that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. There are two questions that need to be answered once reading this: How do we receive the Holy Spirit? What does that power mean for our lives? Answer one: One of the greatest gifts we can ask for as Christians is for The Holy Spirit. Receiving the Holy Spirit is simple, just ask God for it in faith. Answer two: The power that we receive from The Holy Spirit is the ability to please God, so much so that the world around us will come to know God because of our lives.
We have been reminded during this Advent that God is with us in the form of The Holy Spirit. If we have the Holy Spirit that gives us power, then people who come in contact with us will see a difference in our lives. The power that allows for healing, holiness, perseverance, joy, peace, and much more in our lives will testify to others that God could do the same in their lives.