In I Samuel 20 Saul is determined to kill David to protect his royal lineage, but Saul’s son Johnathon (the heir to his throne) was even more determined to bless and protect his friend. Neither David nor Johnathon could reason with Saul, let alone persuade him to act honorably, but they could choose to act in honorable ways toward each other. Because hearts that God connects cannot be easily separated.
Look at the life of Johnathon for a compelling example of what it is to be a friend:
SELF-SACRIFICE- He was willing to lay aside his claim to the throne so David, God’s true anointed could be crowned.
LOYALTY- Johnathon was loyal to David at the risk of his own life.
HONESTY- It would’ve been much easier to not inform David of Saul’s plan. Instead Johnathon told all.
COURAGE- He risked his life and personal happiness to keep David safe.
LOVING- Johnathon wanted God’s best for David because he greatly loved him, even when that meant disaster for his own family.
Thinking of your friendships, how do you rate on the “Friendship Meter”? Do you score high on self-sacrifice? How about loyalty? Are you always honest? Do you act courageously to defend or help them? Do you extravagantly love them?
In a society where many priceless things just get thrown away…would you dare to be a Johnathon and do all within your power to protect the relationships God has entrusted you with? Because hearts that God connects should not be easily separated.
Pastor Sandy