Daily Question

March 17, 2014God’s Person to Share With

What’s one way you tend to act more like an orphan than a child of God and how you would like that to change. Make that your prayer focus for each other today.

Today’s Prayer

March 15, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Holy Spirit, there is nothing greater I can do today than love You with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I know I have a lot of growing to do, but please help me take the practical steps I need each day to become who You want me to be. As I look … Read More

Today’s Prayer

March 14, 2014God’s Power to Pray For

Holy Spirit, I need Jesus as the cornerstone of today. Here are the priorities, powers, and people I am tempted to depend on more than you. Forgive me and teach me how to make you the true cornerstone of my life now: