“All those who were is distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.” (1 Samuel 22:2)
That’s me: discontent, in distress, broken. We all show up that way on God’s doorstep. The world screaming FAILURE in our ears & doubt clouds our minds. Can God really take our broken lives & create something new? Yes He can!
God knows our insecurities yet handles us with patience & love. We’ve believe we can make it happen rather than waiting on God. This tends to lead to what the world perceives as “failure”. Our mistake: not viewing “failure” from God’s perspective. You see, failing doesn’t make you a failure … it’s an experience … a maturity lesson from God. His transforming work (as promised in 1 Corinthians 3:18) preparing us for a new season, deepening our faith & drawing us closer to Him. When we learn from it, we become more useful to His kingdom purposes. Precious moments of refining & purifying, comforting & healing … fashioning us in the image of God. We need only to open the Bible to find examples of God using broken people (just like us) to accomplish His greatest work. I’m certain David had doubts while hiding in the cave. Yet he trusted God, was willing & waited.
Jesus didn’t find the most qualified people – He found the most willing. Are you willing today?
Kelly McGaha