You’ll see in 1 Samuel 19 that David had three friends who saved his life. Saul’s son Jonathan loved David as his best friend, and he saved David on multiple occasions. David’s wife Michal saved David’s life twice, and then Samuel saved David’s life multiple times. Just as God placed friends in David’s life to save him, he has also placed other Christians around us to help us, sharpen us, and to keep us on track, moving us toward God. Is there a friend in your life right now asking you tough questions, such as how often you are spending time in the Word? Is there a more mature Christian in your life who’s sharpening you by finding the areas in which you need to grow, encouraging you, teaching you, training you, and challenging you? If not, who has God placed around you to help you grow? Remember David, his best friend Jonathan who protected him, and the Samuel who challenged him. We do need each other.
Pastor Rowena