Have You Believed in the Good News of Jesus?
The Bible says that there are many enemies of your soul. These enemies bring death to us physically, spiritually, emotionally, relationally and in our community. The Gospel (good news) of Jesus tells us we can have His victory over all of them. If we place our faith in Jesus, He will be our: Savior from sin and shame, Deliverer from pain and sickness, Restorer of purpose and peace, Giver of power and joy & Leader of true family and justice.
Today, you can have this good news in your life and find freedom from your past and a new future. Simply pray this prayer with an honest and humble heart.
Dear Jesus,
I confess that I am a sinner who has no power to change on my own. I need You to deliver me from the pain and sin of my life. Please restore your purpose and peace in me. I ask for Your presence and power to come into my life that I can have a new beginning. Please bring me into your Heavenly family and lead me in knowing more of you. I receive you as my Lord and Savior today. Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer this morning, we are so excited in your decision and want to support you in your new relationship with God! Please let us know you have made this decision!