Because Jesus has eliminated every barrier I am free to eliminate every excuse.
My progress in His promises begins today.
We want to help you become your best. Join us for four weeks in November, as we discover small steps you can take to live the life you were always made for.
Some suggestions are below.
Tag us on social media during November at #noexcuses

Know Jesus
- Daily spend your #FirstFifteen minutes in prayer with God before checking News or Social Media.
- Read along with The Bible Project (you’ll read at least 10 New Testament books in November).
- Attend Worship Services every Sunday.
- Lead family devotions during the week around the dinner table.
- Take the step of Water Baptism on Sunday, November 25th

Find Freedom
- Attend your small group every week during November.
- Attend Grief Share’s Surviving the Holidays on Thursday, November 15th.
- Say no to a life-controlling habit, and replace it with a life-giving one.
- Commit to tithing or percentage giving for the month of November.
- Forgive someone who offended you or make restitution with someone whom you offended.

Discover Purpose
- Attend (or finish) Keep Growing every Sunday at 10:45am & discover your God-given purpose.
- Use your gifting daily (creativity, writing, leading, serving, etc.).
- Read a book on living out your calling at work, such as Every Good Endeavor by Timothy Keller.
- Live out your purpose of encouraging others through a daily or weekly text.
- Spend time praying and fasting for God’s purpose in your life.

Make a Difference
- Serve on a Sunday Team each week and begin seeing Jesus change lives through you.
- Find a way to be generous to someone every week, and use our Generosity cards to connect it to Christ.
- Invite someone to attend Sunday Service with you every week.
- Host someone in your home for a meal and show them the love of Jesus.
- Sign up for a 2019 Local or Global Missions opportunity on Sunday, November 18th.