Inclement Weather

Current Status

Thurs Feb 20, 2025: All activities are cancelled. Due to the snow, the church will be closed today for everyone’s safety. Stay warm and cozy, and take time to enjoy the beauty of the season! We’ll see you soon!

Closing Guidelines

Sunday Mornings

During inclement weather, we try to hold at least one Sunday morning service if it’s realistic to travel to the church. We have found that our “Snow Services” often become special gatherings focused on worship and prayer, even if only a few attend. No matter the circumstance, we encourage you to prioritize safety in your decisions.

How will you find out about our plans and cancellations when the snowflakes start falling?

• A decision about services will be made by 7am Sunday morning or earlier.
• The decision will be emailed to members, posted on this page, and posted to social media.
• It will also appear on local television stations CBS 6 and TV 8 if they show church closings.

If you choose to stay home, we hope you will watch at

Wednesday Nights

• A decision about our Wednesday night activities will be made by 4:30pm on Wed afternoon or earlier.
• The decision will posted on this page, and posted to social media.
• (Please note, we no longer communicate Wednesday closings through any other methods than those listed above. You should contact your group leader directly if you have questions. )

Other Times

Closing information for corporate events will be emailed to members, posted on this page, and posted to social media.
Information on smaller events will be posted on this page only.
If unsure about the status of any event, contact your group leader.


Cornerstone members, if you have a weather related emergency and need to speak to a pastor, please contact the church office at 804-748-8613. If the office is closed, select the option to leave a “pastoral message” and a pastor will be notified that you left a message.