Discipleship Pathway

Engaging the Head and Heart for Action

The Discipleship Pathway is a series of ten discipleship opportunities inviting the hearts and minds of the men and women of Cornerstone to meet with God and one another as they bring their walk into balance with their spiritual calling (Ephesians 4.1).

Why Join?

Purpose of the Discipleship Pathway

We recognize that people are not computers and therefore, discipleship is not mathematical. According to the Assemblies of God Discipleship Department:
“Discipleship is not one-size fits all. It is not a scientific, rigid, a+b=c process. Discipleship is a lifelong strategic and intentional process, not a program. Discipleship seeks to provide spiritual maturity and develop believers into the image of Christ.” — How to Disciple Well: A Discipleship Guide for the Everyday Leader


How Often are Opportunities Offered?

Our Discipleship Pathway opportunities are offered in rotation along the Small Group semesters calendar. There are some opportunities that are offered every semester. Reach out to the Discipleship Pastor for more information about available cohorts and when they are planning to start.

Why Limit Size?

Fostering of True Spiritual Community

Each opportunity is intentionally limited in size to better foster true spiritual community, something increasingly lacking in the North American church.

By limiting the size of our cohorts we can create spaces where we can become more and more comfortable with one another.

“Why is spiritual community so rare? I suspect it has to do with the requirement of brokenness. We’d much rather be impressively intact than broken. But only broken people share spiritual community.”-Larry Crabb

Who Leads?

Encouraging Biblically Modeled Maturity

To encourage biblically modeled maturity each discipleship opportunity guide is an elder or recognized member for their growing walk with Jesus.