About Our Facility
Sanctuary- seats 310
10 adult classrooms- seat 12- 40 each
Fellowship Hall- seats 156 at tables or 270 lecture-style
Cafe- seats 45
Children’s auditorium- seats 75
Cornerstone Ministry Events
Please fill out the form below for your ministry event. We will contact you if we need more information.
Next, complete the Event Promotion Request so we can help the church know about your event!
Member Personal Events
(except weddings and funerals, for these see below)
Cornerstone members can request to use the facility for personal events in exchange for reasonable fees. Staff reserves the right to decline facility usage for any reason. Cornerstone currently does not schedule events for non-affiliated persons in the facility.
Fee schedule for member personal events
We will fill out this form and send you a copy during the approval process
Weddings and Funerals
Cornerstone is honored to be a part of your special day!
If you are interested in a wedding at Cornerstone, contact the office below and a wedding coordinator will contact you shortly. The wedding fee schedule is below for informational purposes, but you should wait to fill it out with the Cornerstone Wedding Coordinator.
Cornerstone currently does not schedule weddings for non-affiliated persons in the facility.
Fee schedule for weddings
You will fill out this form with the Wedding Coordinator
Funerals and Memorials
Cornerstone desires to minister and serve families who are suffering a loss, extending God’s comfort, peace and love.
If you are in need, contact the church below and a funeral coordinator will contact you shortly. The funeral fee schedule is below for informational purposes, but you should wait to fill it out with the funeral coordinator.
Cornerstone currently does not schedule funerals or memorials for non-affiliated persons in the facility.
Fee schedule for funerals
You will fill out this form with the Funeral Coordinator