Daily Alarm at 4:11pm

Lt’s all set an alarm on our phone for 4:11pm each day.
During this time pray for the Ephesians 4:11 five-fold move of the Spirit in our church during this reset.

Ephesians 4:11 Daily Prayers


Evangelism | Plant Seeds

Lord Jesus, send a new move of Your Holy Spirit in evangelism among us to bring many to new life in Jesus. Start in me.


Pastoral | Nurture Life

Lord Jesus, send a new move of Your Holy Spirit in Your people to nurture the life of Christ in those who come to Cornerstone.


Prophetic | Protect & Guide

Lord Jesus, send a new move of your Holy Spirit in the prophetic so Your people will hear Your voice and do Your will.


Teaching | Harvest

Lord Jesus, send a new move of Your Holy Spirit in teaching so that Your people may become mature and serve You well.


Apostolic | Multiply

Lord Jesus, send a new move of Your Holy Spirit in the apostolic so we will reach the unreached around us & around the world.