Just some of the celebrations of God’s goodness among us in 2024

  • Vacation Bible School – 112 kids 
  • Missions’ trips to Ethiopia & Daytona  
  • We are working on a new member care follow up program  
  • Labor Day Service led to spontaneous water baptisms & we followed up with an outdoor worship night outreach in October  
  • Our Sunday attendance has grown by 15%  
  • Missons’ Giving increased 15% from last year  
  • Our mortgage is below $1.5 million (starting at $3mil)  
  • Finished the field and fence 
  • Over 100 in our Discipleship Pathway this Fall  
  • Over 10% of church calendar devoted to prayer 

Spanish Ministry: A couple from Spanish Ministry was baptized and married the same day! Amazing example of dying & being raised with Christ and entering into a covenant.  

Small Groups: We just wrapped up Fall small groups with 40 groups and 67 strong leaders ready to guide them.  

Media Team: Within the past year, we have begun running ads through our social media platforms and have been able to reach many people. One woman has reached out and engaged with us through one of these ads. She has been tuning in online each week, often while working (in the health care field). Not only has she made it a priority to tune into services, no matter the situation, she has also kept engaged in the public comments, has reached out to our amazing chat hosts for prayer in different areas of her life, and has recently made the decision of following Jesus through Salvation.  

Security Team: “I really feel that God led me to be on the Safety Team. I wish we didn’t have to have it, but I know we are serving God by putting people at ease. Besides serving, the other members of the team have really been there for me over the last year as I’ve gone through some tough personal issues.” -Tim Baker 

 Youth: Vertical Youth has celebrated 25 baptisms, developed 10 student leaders, and is seeing growth with an average of 34 attendees on Wednesdays (highest 40; aiming for 40 avg by year-end) and 17 on Sundays (highest 25). 

Young Adults: Every first Wednesday we gather with the youth group for live worship in their space creating a vibrant atmosphere and a place to worship Jesus together. This initiative helps high school seniors connect with our community making their transition to Young Adults smoother and fostering a sense of belonging.  Every 2nd Sunday we choose a place to serve in the church. we also serve at Shady Hill once a month by cleaning around the trailer park, praying while we clean.