January 8 - 21

During these two weeks, let’s spend 15 focused minutes praying about what the Lord wants to restore, replace and multiply in your life for His glory. It’s important to note that we live in the favor of God when we live in the healthy fear of God. Let’s give God our first and best as we begin 2024!

We are asking each disciple of Jesus at Cornerstone to:

Read the scriptures outlined inside
Set time aside to earnest pray (no rushed devotionals)
Starting week in 2, fast a meal each day, or a day(s), during the week
Seek the Lord today regarding what your fast should look like
Ask your medical professional before you fast


This Devotional plan is designed to encourage and strengthen you as you devote this time to walking closer with the Lord. The plan consists of short devotions and a Scripture reading plan for each day. We know that as you spend time fasting and praying, we will see God send revival to our lives, our churches, and our world!

Come Together

Prayer in Sanctuary
Jan 15 – 19

Church-wide Sacred Assembly
Wed Jan 17
7pm | Sanctuary
Kids Ministry is provided

Daily Readings

Week 1

[Monday] Isaiah 61:1-3
[Tuesday] Psalms 90:12-17
[Wednesday] Isaiah 61:11
[Thursday] Hebrews 10:25-26
[Friday] Isaiah 60:1-5
[Saturday] Haggai 2:6-9


The idea of fasting can be intimidating to many. If you think through it well and plan your days out, it’s a beautiful sacrifice that is very doable. Fasts are never convenient or comfortable to our flesh or control– and that’s the point! We fast as a way to put God first and put this world and our wants second. We discover God’s Word and Spirit bring us greater life & comfort!

All fasts in the Bible refer to going without food in some way. Almost all refer to missing meals, not just denying yourself a particular favorite food. The popular Daniel Fast is unique within the Bible as it doesn’t focus on missing meals but denying yourself any meats or processed foods.

  • During your fasting time focus on God’s Word & Spirit
  • Whatever the Lord reveals to you, be sure not to delay obedience & the steps of action the Lord calls you to.
  • In addition to forgoing a meal, make sure this is a week to remove sinful habits and attitudes.
  •  You can also choose to remove the influence of the world via social media, movies, music, etc.