January 5 - 19

If you love Jesus then you love His Word! Being in the Word is such an important way that we hear His voice every day. It also brings us life and joy! We are beginning the new year with a time to fast from the world and feast on His Word in a practical way. As we do so, we know His Spirit will heal us and move in mighty ways! Join us in listening and believing!


Devotions during our 14 Days Of Fasting & Prayer will be based off of each days’ readings in The Bible Recap. Remember the connection between belief, His Word & life!

Come Together

Board of Supervisors Prayer
Jan 8 | Arrive at 5:45pm
County Meeting Room | Directions
Come together with Pastor Shawn at the first Chesterfield Board of Supervisors Meeting to show the county leaders that we are praying for them this year!  

Night of Worship and Healing
Jan 15 | 7:00pm
Sanctuary | Child Care Available
Join as we come before the Lord and take some extended time to worship and praise Him together.  We will also be praying for healing for those in need.  

About Fasting

The idea of fasting can be intimidating to many. If you think through it well and plan your days out, it’s a beautiful sacrifice that is very doable. Fasts are never convenient or comfortable to our flesh or control– and that’s the point! We fast as a way to put God first and put this world and our wants second. We discover God’s Word and Spirit bring us greater life & comfort!

All fasts in the Bible refer to going without food in some way. Almost all refer to missing meals, not just denying yourself a particular favorite food. The popular Daniel Fast is unique within the Bible as it doesn’t focus on missing meals but denying yourself any meats or processed foods.

Complete Fast

This fast calls for drinking only liquids, typically water with light juices as an option. Consult your physician before beginning a compete fast.

Selective Fast

This type of fast involves removing certain elements from your diet. One example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast, during which you remove meat, sweets, or bread from your diet and consume water and juice for fluids and fruits and vegetables for food.

Partial Fast

This fast is sometimes called the Jewish Fast and involves abstaining from eating any type of food in the morning and afternoon. This can either correlate to specific times of the day, such as 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, or from sunup to sundown.

Soul Fast

This fast is common for those who do not have much experience fasting food, who have health issues that prevent them from fasting food, or who wish to refocus certain areas of their life that are out of balance. For instance, someone might select to abstain from using social media or watching television for the duration of the fast, and then choose to carefully bring that element back into their life in an orderly fashion after the fast.